Thursday, September 10, 2020

Yorùbá Language (Spoken and Written): A Must for all Yorùbá Homes

 I just laugh at our generation these days, many of us speak Yoruba to each other day in day out, but when you send a simple message in Yorùbá, we can't read it. We've been so blinded by western civilization and religion that we treat our language as trash, we forget the adage that says "Bonigba ba ti pe igba e, laraye o ba pe e". It's so funny how a Yorùbá family nowadays can hardly speak Yorùbá, our own language is now regarded as "VERNACULAR" even in our homes. Parents are ready to spend thousands on their wards just for them to be sound inEnglish but won't allow them to master their Mother Language which they can learn unconsciously. The most painful thing is majority of people are only good at the oral (speaking) of English, give them a pen and paper and see the blunder they commit even after spending a watering amount in learning it, many can't even write out the word they speak out correctly, I've seen many of them back at college and University. 

We always say the Hausas are united unlike other tribes but we never pay attention to notice that their Language is part of what unite them. You walked into any office they occupy, they speak their language to each other and quickly help each other out but reverse is the case in ours, don't ever try to speak Yorùbá in an office occupy by a Yorùbá man even if he has a Big Trademark(TRIBALMARKS) on his cheeks unless you want your case or file to be delay. We see those that speak our Language uncivilized and unexposed even when he has travelled wide and far with the highest qualifications of education. You try engage people in Yorùbá language, it won't take long before you realize they don't have interest in whatever you are trying to pass across, no matter what just because of the Language you're using in conveying the message.

Language is part of what that makes a man, that's why when God created Adam he gave him a language and the messenger he send to each tribe use their language to preach to the people not otherwise. I don't see a reason why our Language can't be use to admonish ourselves, we shouldn't let religion blind us that you want to pray to your lord and you can't express yourself in Yorùbá (I'm not saying praying in other languages is wrong, especially in Obligatory Prayers) but when you are seeking (personal), it's better you pray using your mother tongue. Just like as Muslims and Christians, we strive hard to know the basics of our religion even though not all of us are masters or major (studied) in it, we should all try to know the rudiments of our language, culture and customs. You don't have to study Yoruba before you're able to express yourself fluently in it afterall you don't study Arabic or Tongue Speaking before you can use it to pray. You don't have to study Yoruba before you know your eulogy and that of your family. Just like you are not an Israelite or an Arab before you know the laws guiding your religion, you should try and know the taboos (EEWO) of your community, know the "does and don't".

"Omo ale eeyan na n ki loriki ile baba re, tori e ko ni wu" there is a connection between your spirits and your language, there is no way you will be praise or eulogize in your language that you won't be happy, our mothers make use of this in the olden days to sooth our fathers heart and make them grant their wish, our father use it to praise their wives whenever they make them happy. Nowadays, hardly will you see a house where they make use of such again, when they've tried to even do that to us, we tell them "we've disengage ourselves from such lineage and forefathers they are praising us with because we don't know the curse on them, so we won't want it to be us, we are very happy to announce to the world "we are now child of Christ and Muhammad" or that our Imam or Daddy G.O, we forget the two Prophets never disengage themselves from their family despite that many of them were idol worshippers before and even after they were prophets. *My Knight in shinning armour* the only line women of nowadays knows how to use in praising a man,  please what happened to "omo ikoyii eso, omo olofa mojo,, omo oko irese, omo Ajana bogun bolu..." You think I will teach you? No, Listen to radio, read Yoruba novels, watch Yoruba films and learn. OH! let me ask you, have you ever praise your boyfriend/husband in English and he succumb. Oh😮 Someone said we now live a life of deceit and fake, so he might but it doesn't really convince him

Just like we master the quotes of Aristotle and others which only applies in few of our daily activities, why can't we quote Yoruba proverbs too that applies in everyday of life and activities. There are millions of Yorùbá proverbs and adage that suite every situation and topic of discussion. In as much as we can listen and sing Justin Biebier, Ed Sheeran, Celine Don songs and others, then what happened to Ayinla Omowura, Haruna Ishola, Olatunji Yussuf and Co? You can wear skirt and blouse with top, also trousers, shirts are your favorite but you feeling ashamed to tye wrapper, yeri, beti, sanyan, alaari, you don't have a single native wear, oh you think it makes you look awful, let be deceiving Ourselves. We copy Oyinbo white wedding and divorce 1-2 years after meanwhile Yorùbá Traditional wedding is there where they use local materials to pray for you in deep Yorùbá language but we see it as primitive acts. American films and fiction is our favorite, please what happened to Classic Yoruba movies. Unless we all stop this fake life and deceit, wake up and prioritise what's ours (our language, culture and customs) We will still remain a slave (called it a modern one if you like) slave is slave. It's high time we woke up from our slumbers and be proud of Yorùbá language for it not to go into extinction.

©️Mustapha Sherif



Asa Iran Ara-Eni-Lowo Nile Yoruba

 ASA IRAN-ARA-ENI-LOWO NILE YORUBA Yoruba karamasiki asa iran-ara-eni-lowo pupo nitori won gba pe ajeji owo kan ko gberu dori ati pe agbajo ...